Thursday, December 8

I just don't feel like it

Bread with Butter That is what I just ate.
and coffee.

Last night Eggs bacon and toast. (which was made more fun because suddenly we began to speak in Medieval proclamation fashion in the kitchen as we made the bacon and by the end of this preposterous conversation, we decided we would be very entertaining for us if we emailed the manager of the shelter we got our beloved cat Jenny from and tell them we had to beheaded Jenny for not producing an Heir for the king) You people who have been at our house can understand how these things escalate into the ridiculous, as we go one step further with words to top the other. We would NEVER do anything to harm our pets. I have simply been watching a few movies on Queen Elizabeth and her mother Ann Boleyn was indeed beheaded for not producing an heir for the king. Clearly this has permeated into my thoughts.
Onto more food.
Lunch, Chicken salad on more bread.
Breakfast special K the plain boring kind and some slivered almonds sprinkled on top and some greek vanilla yogurt. coffee

This is what it would be like if we really just wrote about what we ate.
Thank God we have lives outside of our food because this is boring.

Tomorrow, building management is providing us with a Holiday Breakfast Buffet. I am already excited about it because I have yet to food shop this week, due to not feeling that great all weekend with a Migraine (and fighting something off, maybe a cold trying to jump on the bandwagon OR my liver was recovering from all the Excedrin Migraine meds I over took )
and then there was that rain Anna spoke of.......for two days....ending in monsoon conditions. How is a person supposed to have energy after all of these things. Oh and my sister getting a Pulmonary Embolism in her lung.(this was a big energy drain as this was stressful)

And work because suddenly, now that were at the end of the year, I have been slammed with so much work that I cannot do enough in a day to complete the never ending article requests and I am far to brain fried to go in early or stay late. My neck hurts.My wrists hurt. I am hungry.
wait, this is boring too.
Okay I did go to a cool dinner party but I am just to tired to write about it and describe it.

It's the 8th of December and I have not yet decorated my house and I don't feel like it and no one has noticed and now I am actually contemplating how long I can go before someone asks about the Christmas tree or if they ever will. I don't think they actually care at all.

Then there is this giant plastic rat and rubber snake at work in the cubical of my co worker Matt, who so graciously news papered my cube in September so that I needed scissors just to get into my cube. Under normal conditions, if I were myself, I would have already not only decorated my cube for Christmas but I would have assisted in dressing these creatures up while he was out at meetings yesterday and I promised Mel I would go home and get my giant roll of red felt and help her to make Mr Rat and Mr Snake Christmas like.
but I just don't feel like it. Perhaps I need to stop at the CVS and grab a couple of 5 hour energy drinks.
Just don't feel like it.
This is my life and after re reading this sounds literally......... bizarrely boring

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